Professional High Definition or HD MP4
from: £300.00 per day filming or Live Video Streaming with filming from £550.00 + vat

At Filming For Research Ltd we use the best Digital Filming equipment for our Filming and Live Streaming.
Our Filming Kits come complete with professional Video Cameras – recording to 4K, High Definition and/or MP4, professional Directional Sennheiser Microphones (2 x table mounted and/or 1 x on-board camera), tripod and back-up MP4 Recorder.
Our technicians always carry spare equipment as standard, in the rare event that there is a problem with any piece of our kit, so they can change it in minimal time, ensuring your Filming/Streaming remains on schedule.
For Live Streaming you get a professional MP4 Video and MP3 Audio recording of your groups/depths and up to 4K quality viewing of your stream. We stream via our private (unlisted) Dacast and YouTube channels, which are totally secure and protected, with a back up stream to ensure that you do not lose any of your research, should there be a signal loss on site. Plus you get a dedicated technician on site to ensure all goes smoothly. You will receive the best possible picture and sound quality, which can be viewed on unlimited devices – Mobile Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Smart TV’s and PC’s from anywhere in the world.
We can Stream Simultaneous Translation, so that your clients can view and listen to the groups in their own language, we can also Stream Usability Testing – Picture in Picture, testing web sites or Apps on Mobile Phones, Laptops or Tablets.
We guarantee to produce the best possible Picture and Sound within our capabilities, giving you, our client the best possible service. Filming Services include, but are not restricted to:
- Live Streaming
- Editing
- Video Link/Video Relay/Role Play Kit
- Cameraman Filming
- Usability (Picture-in-Picture) Testing
- Car Clinics
- Focus Groups/Depths/Ethnos/Vox Pops
- In Car Filming, Dashboard Mounted Cameras
- Audio/Visual Hire
- Simultaneous Translation Kits
Please see our Services Page or Contact Us for more info.